Rubio: Obama May Sign Executive Order Legalizing Illegals

truther August 15, 2013 3

Kurt Nimmo

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio told a Tallahassee radio station on Tuesday that if Congress does not pass immigration “reform” this year, Obama may sign an executive order legalizing more than 11 million currently illegal immigrants.

“I believe that this president will be tempted, if nothing happens in Congress, he will be tempted to issue an executive order like he did for the DREAM Act kids a year ago, where he basically legalizes 11 million people by the sign of a pen,” Rubio told WFLA.

Rubio Obama May Sign Executive Order Legalizing Illegals

In 2012, the Obama administration issued a “directive” to the Department of Homeland Security changing the way the immigration law is enforced. Obama’s executive order provides legal status for a subset of illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States before they turned 16 years of age.

Rubio warned that an Obama executive order will not address the issue of border security. “Now, we won’t get an E-Verify, we won’t get any border security. But he’ll legalize them,” he said.

Rubio’s comments begin at 4 minutes in the video below.

The senator said the issue of illegal immigration cannot be ignored. “Unless we’re going to try to round up and deport 11 million people, something that not even the most vociferous opponent of the bill proposed, then we are going to have to at some point address this issue.”

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  1. doesntmatter August 15, 2013 at 10:14 pm - Reply

    that’s the least of concern regarding all the damned EO’s this silly puppet has already squiggled his lil signature on, thinking its gonna matters at the end of the day….-_-

  2. Michael J. Marsalek August 15, 2013 at 9:25 pm - Reply

    The country would be much better served if Marco Rubio would resign the Senate and take employment as a border patrol agent. For years, closing the Mexican border to stop the invasion of illegal aliens has been held hostage to comprehensive immigration reform by both political parties. Consider that illegal aliens commit their first crime by entering the U.S. illegally or by entering the country legally and overstaying their visas. Consider also that published reports indicate that between 600 & 800 thousand illegal aliens do not show up for their court ordered immigration hearings each year. This, in and of itself, is another crime but may or may not be the second and only other crime that illegal aliens commit. Informed Americans are completely turned off and outraged by Marco Rubio, and so many others like him, that the American immigration system is broken. It is not broken – it is unenforced on the federal level and the federal government has blocked all attempts of enforcement on the state and local level. It is an outrage that the federal government asserts exclusivity over immigration policy but at the same time blatantly refuses to enforce the nation’s immigration laws while it prohibits the state & local authorities from so doing. Illegal immigration is a deliberately created federal government problem. The American people have absolutely no reason to believe that new immigration laws will be enforced and better than the laws which are currently on the books. No society can or will survive an insane immigration policy that is dictated by the people who wish to immigrate to a particular country rather than a policay that is determined by the people of that country and enforced by their government. Rubio’s acceptance and threat of another illegal presidential executive order is totally unacceptable.

  3. 5 War Veteran August 15, 2013 at 9:16 pm - Reply

    DID YOU KNOW, that it is illegal to sign an order that makes your self legal? It is called a conflict of interest.

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