Shut-up, Netanyahu!

truther October 4, 2013 25

Jim Kirwan

The world has had enough of their time wasted by Bibi Netanyahu. Here’s a perfect example of the lies he’s been telling, to anyone he can coerce into listening, since even before 911 took place. When it comes to Iran and their mythical nuclear-weapons accusations, nothing Israel claims is true!

Shut-up, Netanyahu!

Since 2001 Israel has been warning of “another Iraq in the making” with Iran’s nuclear weapons that have remained “threatening” from “just months away” to up to two years away since Israel began their campaign back in 2001. This has been nothing but lies since the day Israel started this ISRAELIDECEPTION, on the way to creating their always-pending War on Iran.(1)

Israel had already planned Iran War & WWIII in 2007:

Yesterday at the UN Bibi said!

Iranian missiles will hit New York in “three to four years”. A nuclear Iran is like “50 North Koreas”.

This could be the sound of a deranged, dangerous sociopath, or this could be the sound of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu addressing the UN General Assembly.

Compare for yourself. Last week we had Iranian President Hassan Rouhani calling for the world to surf a WAVE (as in World Against Violence and Extremism).

This week we had Bibi saying that was a “cynical” and “totally hypocritical honey trap”.

In the world according to Netanyahu, “Ahmadinejad was a wolf in wolf’s clothing. Rouhani is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”Rouhani tried to present himself as “pious”, but he’s always been involved with “the terror state of Iran”. He’s like “a serial killer going to court dressed in clerical attire and giving testimony to his nature as an ‘ethical’ and ‘religious’ man.”

Ranting aside, Bibi did change his game. Now it’s not silly cartoons and begging the US to bomb Iran virtually on a weekly basis. Now it’s Iran’s “military nuclear program” that must be shut down ­ a program, by the way, that the alphabet soup of US intelligence agencies says does not exist.

And this after Netanyahu told US President Barack Obama to forget ­ forever – UN Security Council resolution 242, which determined total Israeli withdrawal from all lands occupied after the 1967 war.(2)

The Israeli Lobby & the JEWS ARE DETERMINED

To KILL any hopes for peace in the Middle East. For anything short of war spoils their plans for hegemony in the region.

Preparing for the Jewish destruction of peace talks between Iran and Jewmerica, Netanyahu just arrived in DC to first browbeat Obama into submission followed by a bribing session with the already Jewish-bought hacks on Capitol Hill.

And Israel’s unregistered foreign lobby AIPAC is on the warpath.

What would Netanyahu do without Iran to demonize as a “nuclear threat” and keep the coffers of US aid flowing?

The Jews are afraid that if the ‘Iranian Question’ is solved, Israel will be boxed in, forced to declare their nuke inventory, and pressed to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

But the Jews demand special privileges. And Jewmerica always hands it to them on a silver platter. Jews got the money and the media…and Tel Aviv’s colony in DC caves in.” (3)

But what is really at stake for Israel in the Middle East is this:

The whole issue in Syria is not about chemical weapons. The rebels are being sponsored by outside forces in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the US and France, is who is sponsoring the rebels. The main purpose behind destabilizing the Assad regime has been to hijack the concept of an oil pipeline from Iran and Syria to Western Europe to break the Oil Monopoly.

If we really want to bring peace to the Middle East we can’t not address the issue of Israel being armed with chemical weapons and with nuclear weapons.~

What the people of the world need to understand is that the situation in Syria is about one thing, it’s about money. It’s about control of the supply of oil to the world. Iran, Syria and Russia have agreed to put a pipeline that will supply oil to China in the East and will supply oil to Europe in the West.


If that pipeline is successful and is built it will take control of the global energy supply away from the Western Oil Cartels and it will allow for a true competitive free-market.

It will drop the price of oil globally by about two thirds” (4)

(3) Continues: BIBZY IS LINING UP his patsies on Capitol Hill.

With mission in hand to “tell the truth” in the face of what he calls “sweet-talk” from Iran vis-a-vis Rouhani’s promise to limit uranium enrichment for peaceful purposes only, Bibzy is setting the parameters for ‘peace talks’ between America and Iran.

Netanyahu’s ‘Mission Kill’ INCLUDES His 4 Step Program:

As signers of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has every right to peaceful nuclear energy. Rouhani is BOLDLY insisting that Israel does the same by signing the NPT.

But IsraHell and its unregistered Jewish Lobby remain traitors to America’s (and the world’s) best interests.”.

AIPAC HAS SET the killing field to decimate any chance of success in upcoming talks between Obama and Rouhani.

By POSTING DEMANDS last week to every hack on Capitol Hill who hopes for campaign funding in the next election, AIPAC is determined to KILL any hopes for a settlement of the ‘Iran Nuclear Issue:’ Must Halt ALL Uranium & Heavy Water Activity Must Send Previously Enriched Material To A Third Country Must Cease Development Of Heavy Water Reactor In Arak Must Allow International Inspectors To Access Parchin Military Facility Must Be Subjected To INCREASED US Sanctions For Non-Compliance


on Capitol Hill (among MANY others) who hopes to be next president has taken the Jew bait…Senator Ted Cruz.

Cruz filed a resolution on Saturday demanding that there be no further communications between Obama and Rouhani until Iran “recognizes” Israel as a “Jewish state.”

This demand is IMPOSSIBLE to meet for those who support the “right of return” (as Rouhani does) of the Palestinian victims of Jewish theft, genocide, and usurpation.

But all hail Jewish rule in Jewmerica!

If there’s a chance for peace in the world AND the end to political corruption in Jewmerica…you can count on it…Jews will KILL IT in a MINUTE.

But many are on to the Jews with their own plans to KILL the Jewish Lobby.” (3)

What needs to die here is the illegal and treasonous Jewish Lobby that’s composed of Jewish 5th column traitors, since AIPAC was founded. This is too much treason even for the Zionists. Nero needs to stop commuting to Israel every week, or allowing Netanyahu, the Israeli saboteur to come here to DICTATE to the US while DEMANDING MORE and MORE American MONEY to feed this blatantly illegal bunch of outlaws that call themselves Israeli’s!

One day someone will probably put an AK-47 into Bibi’s mouth and empty a full clip into him ­ that’s the only way that he will ever be silenced.

What has changed many will ask?


What has changed? Terrorists are terrorists. They are the same people who have committed treason: Schumer, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Michael Chertoff, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Waxman, Paulson, Carl Rove, George & Junior Bush, Susan Rice, Janet Napolitano, Hillary & Bill Clinton all (and hundreds more) spent time in the houses of power.”

This is a truly cancerous crew inside a devouring death-cabal that must be stopped. To rid this nation and the world of this cancer it must be cut out of the global-body-politic and be permanently destroyed! The longer we wait the worse it will be for those of us that will survive this criminal-farce…

Even the secret evil rites of the Skull & Bones society, both Bush presidents & John Kerry are members, along with dozens of other-secret societies – owe their origins to the Star of Evil and all which that entails… (5)

1) Over a Decade of Fear

2) Netanyahu’s UN Speech sounds like a Sociopath?

3) Jewish Lobby to Kill Iran Talks

4) American Journalist Demands a Demilitarized Middle-East

5) Part III The Star of Evil

Part II, The Star of Evil

The Star of Evil

Context for this article:

The world has had enough of their time wasted by Bibi Netanyahu. Here’s a perfect example of the lies he’s been telling, to anyone he can coerce into listening, since even before 911 took place. When it comes to Iran and their mythical nuclear-weapons accusations, nothing Israel claims is true!

Since 2001 Israel has been warning of “another Iraq in the making” with Iran’s nuclear weapons that have remained “threatening” from “just months away” to up to two years away since Israel began their campaign back in 2001. This has been nothing but lies since the day Israel started this ISRAELIDECEPTION, on the way to creating their always-pending War on Iran.(1)

Israel had already planned Iran War & WWIII in 2007:

Yesterday at the UN Bibi said!

Iranian missiles will hit New York in “three to four years”. A nuclear Iran is like “50 North Koreas”.

This could be the sound of a deranged, dangerous sociopath, or this could be the sound of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu addressing the UN General Assembly.

Compare for yourself. Last week we had Iranian President Hassan Rouhani calling for the world to surf a WAVE (as in World Against Violence and Extremism).

This week we had Bibi saying that was a “cynical” and “totally hypocritical honey trap”.

In the world according to Netanyahu, “Ahmadinejad was a wolf in wolf’s clothing. Rouhani is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”Rouhani tried to present himself as “pious”, but he’s always been involved with “the terror state of Iran”. He’s like “a serial killer going to court dressed in clerical attire and giving testimony to his nature as an ‘ethical’ and ‘religious’ man.”

Ranting aside, Bibi did change his game. Now it’s not silly cartoons and begging the US to bomb Iran virtually on a weekly basis. Now it’s Iran’s “military nuclear program” that must be shut down ­ a program, by the way, that the alphabet soup of US intelligence agencies says does not exist.

And this after Netanyahu told US President Barack Obama to forget ­ forever – UN Security Council resolution 242, which determined total Israeli withdrawal from all lands occupied after the 1967 war.(2)

The Israeli Lobby & the JEWS ARE DETERMINED

To KILL any hopes for peace in the Middle East. For anything short of war spoils their plans for hegemony in the region.

Preparing for the Jewish destruction of peace talks between Iran and Jewmerica, Netanyahu just arrived in DC to first browbeat Obama into submission followed by a bribing session with the already Jewish-bought hacks on Capitol Hill.

And Israel’s unregistered foreign lobby AIPAC is on the warpath.

What would Netanyahu do without Iran to demonize as a “nuclear threat” and keep the coffers of US aid flowing?

The Jews are afraid that if the ‘Iranian Question’ is solved, Israel will be boxed in, forced to declare their nuke inventory, and pressed to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

But the Jews demand special privileges. And Jewmerica always hands it to them on a silver platter. Jews got the money and the media…and Tel Aviv’s colony in DC caves in.” (3)

But what is really at stake for Israel in the Middle East is this:

The whole issue in Syria is not about chemical weapons. The rebels are being sponsored by outside forces in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the US and France, is who is sponsoring the rebels. The main purpose behind destabilizing the Assad regime has been to hijack the concept of an oil pipeline from Iran and Syria to Western Europe to break the Oil Monopoly.

If we really want to bring peace to the Middle East we can’t not address the issue of Israel being armed with chemical weapons and with nuclear weapons.~

What the people of the world need to understand is that the situation in Syria is about one thing, it’s about money. It’s about control of the supply of oil to the world. Iran, Syria and Russia have agreed to put a pipeline that will supply oil to China in the East and will supply oil to Europe in the West.

If that pipeline is successful and is built it will take control of the global energy supply away from the Western Oil Cartels and it will allow for a true competitive free-market.

It will drop the price of oil globally by about two thirds” (4)

(3) Continues: BIBZY IS LINING UP his patsies on Capitol Hill.

With mission in hand to “tell the truth” in the face of what he calls “sweet-talk” from Iran vis-a-vis Rouhani’s promise to limit uranium enrichment for peaceful purposes only, Bibzy is setting the parameters for ‘peace talks’ between America and Iran.

Netanyahu’s ‘Mission Kill’ INCLUDES His 4 Step Program:

As signers of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has every right to peaceful nuclear energy. Rouhani is BOLDLY insisting that Israel does the same by signing the NPT.

But IsraHell and its unregistered Jewish Lobby remain traitors to America’s (and the world’s) best interests.”.

AIPAC HAS SET the killing field to decimate any chance of success in upcoming talks between Obama and Rouhani.

By POSTING DEMANDS last week to every hack on Capitol Hill who hopes for campaign funding in the next election, AIPAC is determined to KILL any hopes for a settlement of the ‘Iran Nuclear Issue:’

Iran Must Halt ALL Uranium & Heavy Water Activity

Iran Must Send Previously Enriched Material To A Third Country

Iran Must Cease Development Of Heavy Water Reactor In Arak

Iran Must Allow International Inspectors To Access Parchin Military Facility

Iran Must Be Subjected To INCREASED US Sanctions For Non-Compliance


on Capitol Hill (among MANY others) who hopes to be next president has taken the Jew bait…Senator Ted Cruz.

Cruz filed a resolution on Saturday demanding that there be no further communications between Obama and Rouhani until Iran “recognizes” Israel as a “Jewish state.”

This demand is IMPOSSIBLE to meet for those who support the “right of return” (as Rouhani does) of the Palestinian victims of Jewish theft, genocide, and usurpation.

But all hail Jewish rule in Jewmerica!

If there’s a chance for peace in the world AND the end to political corruption in Jewmerica…you can count on it…Jews will KILL IT in a MINUTE.

But many are on to the Jews with their own plans to KILL the Jewish Lobby.” (3)

What needs to die here is the illegal and treasonous Jewish Lobby that’s composed of Jewish 5th column traitors, since AIPAC was founded. This is too much treason even for the Zionists. Nero needs to stop commuting to Israel every week, or allowing Netanyahu, the Israeli saboteur to come here to DICTATE to the US while DEMANDING MORE and MORE American MONEY to feed this blatantly illegal bunch of outlaws that call themselves Israeli’s!

One day someone will probably put an AK-47 into Bibi’s mouth and empty a full clip into him ­ that’s the only way that he will ever be silenced.

What has changed many will ask?

What has changed? Terrorists are terrorists. They are the same people who have committed treason: Schumer, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Michael Chertoff, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Waxman, Paulson, Carl Rove, George & Junior Bush, Susan Rice, Janet Napolitano, Hillary & Bill Clinton all (and hundreds more) spent time in the houses of power.”

This is a truly cancerous crew inside a devouring death-cabal that must be stopped. To rid this nation and the world of this cancer it must be cut out of the global-body-politic and be permanently destroyed! The longer we wait the worse it will be for those of us that will survive this criminal-farce…

Even the secret evil rites of the Skull & Bones society, both Bush presidents & John Kerry are members, along with dozens of other-secret societies – owe their origins to the Star of Evil and all which that entails… (5)

1) Over a Decade of Fear

2) Netanyahu’s UN Speech sounds like a Sociopath?

3) Jewish Lobby to Kill Iran Talks

4) American Journalist Demands a Demilitarized Middle-East

5) Part III The Star of Evil

Part II, The Star of Evil

The Star of Evil

Context for this article:

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  1. laosuwan October 5, 2013 at 10:35 am - Reply

    This could actually be a good website and credible if not for all the stupid racist anti-Jewish and shape shifting aliens stuff posted as news. I live in Asia and I see the same thing from the media here: muslims are killing Buddhists in Thailand and Myanmar, Christians in Philippines and Egypt, everywhere, and the victims are blamed for it even though they allow the presence of the muslims protected by law in their countries and the muslims in theirs do not; Then look at the illustration for this post; a little country in its borders surrounded by kidnappers, bus bombers, discotheque suicide squads, rockets and stone throwers who swear as their religious duty to exterminate the Jewish race and it is the Jewish people who are portrayed as bloodthirsty. You Americans are violent, hypocritical pigs and deserve what your country is getting. Who is the only country to USE nuclear weapons? America not Israel. Who routinely used and uses chemical weapons, sends them to heart eating jihadists who burn down Christian churches, rape the woman, and kill the children? America not Israel. Who was the first country in the world to use biological warfare on civilians? America not Israel. I like Israel and Jewish people. They defend their lives and culture against a hostile racist world made up of idiots with malice like this author. You keep your Yahoo America, and Israel will keep its Netanyahu. In ten years let’s see which country is still around.

    • Chaos October 6, 2013 at 8:36 pm - Reply

      Israel will be gone…Dust…From it’s own Hostile actions against their Neighbors. The Hate and Racism you speak about comes from Israel too! Just because they are Jewish does not make them exempt from ALL International Laws. The FSA along with Al Qaeda and Al Nusra Jihadists in Syria that Slaughter Christians are supported by Israel and ZOG Amerika. When you support the MURDER of MILLIONS of People in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan you are NOT “God’s Chosen People” and by your own actions you are EVIL. Amerika will be dust as well…Because we allowed Foreign Invaders to Infiltrate every top level of our society. Zionist Occupied Amerika will be pushed out of the way and Russia standing side by side with China will take center stage in the world.

  2. 5 War Veteran October 4, 2013 at 11:52 pm - Reply

    We must repeat the actions of the past and push out the Zionists as they have been pushed out from every country they were allowed into in the past.


    “Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome plague within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible.”Queen Maria Theresa40 year reign / Sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands and Parma Nothing has changed in 230 years!

    Chairman of the Federal Reserve: Ben Bernanke (Jewish)

    Bernanke is printing funny money like it is going out of style!
    The past THREE chairmen of the Federal Reserve: Alan Greenspan (Jewish) – Paul Volcker (born to Jewish mother (Klippel) /raised Lutheran) – Arthur Burns (Jewish)

    Alan Greenslime (1987-2006) He created the catastrophic housing bubble.

    Paul Volcker (1979-1987) He once said “American must accept a reduction in their living standards.”

    Arthur Burns (1970-1978) President Nixon feared him.
    Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve: Janet Yellen (Jewish). Her predecessor was Donald Kohn (Jewish)
    *Together with the US Fed Chief and the NY Fed, the Vice Chairman of the Fed holds permanent voting power regarding Fed policies. The symbolic regional Fed Chairs (Denver, Dallas, Kansas City etc.) only hold rotating minority voting power. Those powerless branches are given to figurehead Gentiles to “run”.)

    Janet Yellen

    Donald Kohn
    We should have listened to Queen Maria!

    How the Zionists see all others through the filter of their religion:

    · Only Jews are human. Gentiles (all of us) are animals. (Baba Mezia 114a- 114b.)
    · For murder, whether of a Gentile by a Gentile, or of an Israelite by a Gential, punishment is incurred; but of a Gentile by an Israelite, there is no death penalty. (Sanhedrin 57a)
    · Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed. (Bab. Talmud)
    · Agriculture is the lowest of occupations. (Yebamoth 63a.)
    · If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. (Moed Kattan 17a.)
    · Gentiles’ flesh is as the flesh of asses and whose issue is like the issue of horses.
    · Gentile girls are in states of filth from birth. (Zarah 36b.)
    · If a heathen Gentile hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is hitting God. (Sanhedrin 58b.)
    · If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite [Gentile] gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full. (Baba Kamma 37b.)
    · If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile it does not have to be returned. (Baba Mezia 24a; also in Baba Kamma 113b.)
    · What a Jew obtains by theft from a Cuthean [Gentile] he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a.)
    · Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has exposed their money to Israel.’ (Baba Kamma 37b.)
    · Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden. (Yebamoth 63a.)
    · Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a Gentile. (Baba Kamma 113a.)
    · “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.” (Kethuboth 11b.)
    · Jews must destroy books of Christians (Shabbath 116a)
    · No rabbi can ever go to hell. (Hagigah 27a.)
    · A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. (Sanhedrin 54b)
    · A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years “and a day” old). (Sanhedrin 55b.)
    · Those who read the New Testament (“uncanonical books”) will have no portion in the world to come. (Sanhedrin 90a)
    · All Gentile children are animals. (Yebamoth 98a.)
    · Gentiles prefer sex with cows. (Abodah Zarah 22a-22b.)
    · Balaam [Jesus] is raised from the dead and being punished in boiling hot semen. Those who mock the words of Jewish sages and sin against Israel are boiled in hot excrement. (57a Gittin)
    · A heathen Gentile who pries into the Torah [and other Jewish Scriptures] is condemned to death, for it is written, it is our inheritance, not theirs. (Sanhedrin 59a)

    You decide if these are honorable chosen people and them learn what a Khazar is.

    • Desire October 5, 2013 at 5:05 am - Reply

      Is it any wonder why Jesus called the Babylonians (Jews) the Archons.

    • laosuwan October 5, 2013 at 11:09 am - Reply

      Like all members of the House of Habsburg, Maria Theresa was a Roman Catholic, and a devout one as well. She rejected the idea of religious toleration. The empress actively supported conversion to Roman Catholicism by securing pensions to the converts.

      Though she eventually gave up trying to convert her non-Catholic subjects to Roman Catholicism, Maria Theresa regarded both the Jews and Protestants as dangerous to the state and actively tried to suppress them.The empress was probably the most anti-Semitic monarch of her time, having inherited the traditional prejudices of her ancestors and acquired new ones. This was a product of deep religious devotion and was not kept secret in her time.
      She imposed extremely harsh taxes on her Jewish subjects and, in December 1744, proposed expelling the Jews from her hereditary dominions to her ministers. She also transferred Protestants from Austria to Transylvania and cut down the number of religious holidays and monastic orders. In 1777, she abandoned the idea of expelling Moravian Protestants after Joseph, who was opposed to her intentions, threatened to abdicate as emperor and co-ruler. Finally, she was forced to grant them some toleration by allowing them to worship privately. Joseph regarded his mother’s religious policies as “unjust, impious, impossible, harmful and ridiculous”

      In the third decade of her reign, she forbade the forcible conversion of Jewish children to Christianity in 1762. In 1763, she forbade Catholic clergy from extracting surplice fees from her Jewish subjects. In 1764, she ordered the release of those Jews who had been jailed for a blood libel in the village of Orkuta. Notwithstanding her strong dislike of Judaism, Maria Theresa supported Jewish commercial and industrial activity.

  3. moose4u2 October 4, 2013 at 9:00 pm - Reply

    Bibi your game is about over.Americans are snapping out from being hypnotized by your government & realizing who the real terrorists are . Talk about wolfs in sheep clothing its you & your government that has been fooling the american people but not anymore .We are going to abolish all lobbyists from our country & force the money from taxpayers to stop . We will expose you & your terrorists comrades for what you are.The M E flourish when you are no longer in power instigating trouble .

    • laosuwan October 5, 2013 at 11:12 am - Reply

      you americans must be desperate to find someone new to hate now that you have killed your indians, the blacks and mexicans have taken over, and gays are off limits. Now you have to look abroad to find new villains. how much longer will your country remain?

      • Chaos October 6, 2013 at 8:39 pm - Reply

        Not Long…Because we do Israel’s Dirty work. War Mongering begets WAR. War Begets Death and Destruction. ZOG AMERIKA and ISRAEL will end like a Jim Jones Picnic with Lots of Koolaid.

        • laosuwan October 7, 2013 at 8:45 am - Reply

          you americans do your defense contractors dirty work, not israel’s. every one of your wars was about oil and oil piplines for your oil companies, which are not israeli or jewish. you cannot even control your own borders, your country is overrun with foreigners who can vote and take your jobs. none of that has anything to do with israel. i would predict that israel will outlast the usa and that it does not need the usa to survive. if anything the usa will need israel to survive in the future.

          • Chaos October 9, 2013 at 8:49 pm -

            OH…and NONE of our Defense Contractors or BIG CORPORATIONS profiting off of WAR are Jewish Owned. Keep drinking that Manischevitz…it is rotting your brain!

  4. Watchman48 October 4, 2013 at 8:21 pm - Reply

    Woe to those that reject God’s warnings….

    There truly are no bounds to the ignorance of the liberals….
    Proverbs 1:7
    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. But the liberals choose to be foolish
    Proverbs 2:12
    Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse,

    The Bible tells us that apart from Christ – The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9

    The wickedness of the liberals and godless democrats have given America the abominations of abortion, homosexuality and the rejection of God’s Ten Commandments.
    Thus God has given America His Judgment…..
    To read God’s judgment for America, Google: “The Message For America, Hand of Help Ministries.” Google, “The Eagle and the Serpents, Hand of Help Ministries.” To read how I was led to this: Google, ” watchman48 blogspot, America ~ Mystery Babylon? ” To read the message of the 2nd major terrorist attack; And for where I believe the location of the 2nd attack will be; Google, “watchman48 blogspot, The Eagle and the Serpents (Part 2).”

    • Brenda Jones October 4, 2013 at 9:40 pm - Reply

      I agree wholeheartedly with you Watchman. I cannot believe what I just read on Pakalert. A newslink that I had trusted, but no longer will even read. My heart is thumping from the blasphemy that I just read. To those reading this trash, I would suggest that you go to the precious Word of God and read the many scriptures where God Almighty claims Israel as His own. They are the Apple of His Eye and He will protect them with all His might. We who are in Christ, have read the end of the Book. The Bible. We know who the Victor is, God, and Satan will be defeated along with all of his followers.
      Come Lord Jesus Come.

      • John Cook October 5, 2013 at 7:53 am - Reply

        Brenda, you are an idiot. The Jews Hate you, and you defend them.

        • Brenda Jones October 5, 2013 at 8:57 pm - Reply

          John, you are such a sad person. I am far from an idiot, but from your point of view, there is no sense in trying to explain anything to you. But to those others reading this, know that Jesus was a Jew, and by His own sacrifice He laid down His life for even those who hated Jews. God spoke that those who stand with the Jews will be blessed, and those who do not will be cursed.

          • Watchman48 October 10, 2013 at 3:46 am -

            Brenda, it is sad that so many believes the lies that the liberals tells….
            For the man who thinks he knows all that there is to be known, is nothing but a fool unto himself. Wisdom is gained from what man has experienced in life, but true wisdom comes from God. There is nothing in this life that man can say for a certainty, unless he has seen, or experienced directly or indirectly that which pertains to his statements, beliefs, or faith. In other words, for man to say, “I know God does not exist,” just because he personally has not experienced a life changing event is nothing less than pure ignorance.

            Even if a wise man claims he is wise or he displays his degrees from years of studying, without faith in God he still lacks the ability to comprehend or understand the existence of …God, because his wisdom is that of the world’s.If you say you are wise then please, what is God’s purpose for man? And tell me if you can, why should God reveal himself to someone that does not seek Him, or to someone that is not seriously wanting to know him in a personal way, much less to someone that does not believe in Him?

            God has chosen to hide Himself, but to those who fear Him, He will reveals His heart’s desires. In Psalms 91:1 He refers to His place of hiding as the secret place. Only those who fear God will find this secret place, as we are told: The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. Psalm 25:14 NIV.

            They have embraced the abominations of homosexuality and abortion, replaced the truth with lies. They have worshipped false gods rather than the God who revealed Himself to the Israelite people as being the One True God of all creation. These things and much, much more has happen to bring about God’s judgment upon a people who refuses to listen and obey His WORD.
            In the Bible we are told that never has there been another man like Moses who God spoke with face to face… Yet Moses wasn’t allowed to enter the Promise Land because of his sin at the waters of Meribah. Moses’ penalty illustrates that even forgiveness of sin does not remove its earthly consequences and there is no doubt that we all have sinned.
            While in prayer on Jan. 22,’97 the Holy Spirit spoke in my left ear saying, “I will repay America back double for her iniquities.” In the last 40 years we have shed the innocent blood of approx. 56 million babies through abortion, doubled that would be 112 million lives and that is just counting for the sin of abortion…

            God does not take His divine judgments lightly so He never allows the destruction of a people or nation that He doesn’t give the people time to repent before His judgment falls upon the land.

            America’ days have been numbered and neither Pres. Obama nor all of America’s Armed Forces can save a cursed America… The only hope we have is with Jesus Christ and no other, no false gods such as Allah nor Buda can save anyone.

            To read God’s judgment for America, Google: “The Message For America, Hand of Help Ministries.” Google, “The Eagle and the Serpents, Hand of Help Ministries.” To read how I was led to this: Google, ” watchman48 blogspot, America ~ Mystery Babylon? ” To read the message of the 2nd major terrorist attack; And for where I believe the location of the 2nd attack will be; Google, “watchman48 blogspot, The Eagle and the Serpents (Part 2).”

        • Chaos October 6, 2013 at 8:43 pm - Reply

          John, Well Said. Alot of these people believe this crap about “The Chosen People” . These “Self Chosen People” Hate the Gentiles and are happy seeing the “Goyim” Slaughtered fighting wars for Israel.

    • laosuwan October 5, 2013 at 11:14 am - Reply

      Woe. Woe? Woe?! Who uses to the word “woe” since Mark Twain. LOL

      • Brenda Jones October 5, 2013 at 8:49 pm - Reply

        lao…God the Father Who is the same yesterday, today and forever. One day soon you will be able to hear the answer from the One who first spoke it, and then you won’t be LOL, and neither will He! He also said not to cast your pearls before swine. Jesus, the Jew, loves you in spite of yourself, and on that note….have a good day.

        • laosuwan October 7, 2013 at 8:58 am - Reply

          The word woe is not Aramaic, it is cognate with Old Norse vei and dates to the 9th century. How is it possible for god to have used a word that did not exist before the 9th century. You know, I think there are some holes in your story and so I will take my chances after death, I am more concerned about the here and now.

  5. Chaos October 4, 2013 at 8:18 pm - Reply

    It is Good to see that Pakalertpress like many other sites (before being shut down by the ZOG) report on the TRUTH about the Self Chosen People. If the Jews are Truly God’s “Chosen” people then why do they need to Infiltrate and Control Governments, Control Banking, Control Media and start Wars that Kill 2.5 Million Iraqi People in “Operation Iraqi Freedom” and Thousands of US Soldiers (In Iraq and Afghanistan), Thousands of Afghans Killed in “Operation Enduring Freedom” . The Self Chosenites have created 7 Million plus (the largest group in the world) Palestinian Refugees driven out of their Homeland…Compared to the Civil War in Syria the refugee count is around 2 Million. The Jews create almost 4 Times as many Refugees as a Civil War does!!! Wow and the Sheep and (Goyim) Cattle still believe that the Jews are “The Chosen people”. Israel attacks Refugee Camps with Apache Helicopters and Missiles and KILL Civilians and claim that they were all insurgents (Yeah especially the Toddlers were gun toting insurgents). The ZOG of Amerika Kills Civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, Sudan and Somalia using Drones Strikes on “Suspected Insurgents” which Include Mainly Children. All this is done for Israel because THEY are calling the shots, Not the American People!. War with Syria and Iran is on the table , Israel and it’s ZOG Bitch “Amerika” craves more Blood for the Self Chosenites. The American People as a majority (90%) Oppose an act of War against Syria for many reasons. The People, the Goyim or Cattle are waking up and this is not good for the Elders of Zion. Pretty soon they will have to deal with the “American Soldier- Cannon Fodder For Israel” Waking up and saying “NO MORE!” . These EVIL Rat Bastards may have Hijacked our Country but WE WILL TAKE IT BACK! ….. “God’s Chosen People” MY ASS!!! If you were a “Chosen People” you wouldn’t have so much Blood on your Hands.

    • laosuwan October 5, 2013 at 11:17 am - Reply

      so was dick cheny jewish? how about your boy barry soteoro? He likes the jews less than you. do you not understand all the things in your list were done by and for your own corporations? israel understands your nation and government better than you do.

      • Chaos October 6, 2013 at 8:56 pm - Reply

        laosuckwan: Dick Cheney doesn’t need to be Jewish. Neither does Bush. You can be a Zionist without having your laosuwan sacred blood. Most Neocons are Zionists by their own words and actions. Corporations can have Zionist Agendas, Just look at the Major Media in Amerika. …..But you already Know that and are playing stupid and asking stupid questions pretending you don’t know what is up Jew Boy. One statement you made is partially True …You said ” israel understands your nation and government better than you do.” My Response: Israel Understands my GOVERNMENT because they control it. Israel does not understand my NATION because it is made up of people , some of which are NOT controlled by the Brain washing Zionist Media. Israel will never understand a Republic that was originally set up based upon Religious freedom and Inherent rights of Man. Israel is a Dictatorship, Hellbent on WAR. they know nothing about my Nation, they only know how to Infiltrate and Destroy Nations. But You Know that too Jew Boy.

        • laosuwan October 7, 2013 at 8:29 am - Reply

          Jew boy? LOL is that supposed to be an insult? like White Boy? first of all, i am not a boy and i am not jewish. second, your president is black and a muslim. how is it possible that the jews control the world but your president is a jewish hating black muslim backed by george soros who is also a jewish hating ex nazi, if the jews control the world. then ask yourself how is it possible the jews can control china, indonesia, turkey, iran, vietnam, nepal, venezuela if they really control the world. how can your fellow jewish hater ron paul win 12 terms in congress if the jews control the world.

          truth is jewish people like any people want to control as much as they can. ask the people of puerto rico about being controlled or your native americans, what’s left of them.

          there are no boogey men in the world, just people and people do what people do. i can assure you if there were no jewish people in the world the world would look the same as it does now and people who need someone to hate in order to understand the world would find someone else to blame for all their personal problems..

          • Chaos October 9, 2013 at 8:48 pm -

            If the shoe fits …wear it. If the Term Jew Offends you then so be it. Your Self Chosen people are EVIL and you know it, all the JEW Lies in the world can never change that TRUTH.

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