Spain Police Beating Everyone: A Warning To America

truther October 8, 2012 7

Spain’s police state has spiraled out of control as riot police are now running throughout the streets beating everyone in sight, men and woman, young and old.

When the people demand democracy from an oligarchy that rules their subjects trough the strong-arm of a totalitarian police state the streets fill with the madness and mayhem seen in this video.

Since September 25th the masses of Spain, no longer being able to feed themselves or their families, have risen up against the oligarchy to protest further budget cuts and massive tax increases, a situation so dire it threatens their very survival.

While the masses suffer these unspeakable atrocities the poor are being robbed yet again to bail out the rich.

The overlords have no sympathy for the less fortunate and instead of forcing the bankers to take losses on their investments the ruling class remains disconnected from the reality of millions.

The unrest spans across Europe where several nations being forced to pinch out the masses by globalist regulatory bodies claiming nations need to get their fiscal house in order

But as we have seen in every previous past crash situations such as these are used as nothing more than excuse to help the rich reduce their own tax burden and the operating costs of the corporations they run.

Yet this time around the downward spiral only continues to self-perpetuate and deepen as the funds collected with each passing austerity cut are spent funding yet another banker bailout.

These bailouts act as nothing more than useless band-aids on hemorrhaging gashes of a collapsing economic system that has been struck with a self-inflicted mortal wounds delivered by a trifecta of rapacious greed, rampant fraud and unbearable corruption.

Soon America will face the same fate as its own financial house is much worse than that of Spain.

Instead of blaming the trillions wasted on implementing an Orwellian control totalitarian police state complete with kidnapping, tortures, assassinations and the mass murder of millions in illegal overseas wars the scapegoat will become the American middle class when they are already suffering through one of the worst economic crisises in the history of this nation.

While politicians seem to be so utterly incompetent they can accomplish nothing besides lining their own pockets with money but they certainly are world-renowned experts at kicking the can down road.

Come this January America’s Fiscal cliff will be staring them in the face and they just may find when they try kicking the can this time it just won’t move.

If that happens then America will face its first of several rounds of across the board austerity cuts and feel for the first time pain of the agonizingly painful austerity bite that has been repeatedly bitten the people of Europe over the last several years.

With many Americans already so-inclined to take their grievances out into the streets we will certainly do so in solidarity with our brothers and sisters overseas.

As we have seen with the Occupy movement even nonviolent mass protests have been met with the authoritarian fist of the Oligarchy’s army of mercenaries so we can be rest assured when those numbers swell into the millions, as they have in Spain and several other European nations, the reaction of the police state will be proportionately unruly.

Brace yourself America as our streets may soon resemble those in Spain where a rampantly brutal and out control police is acting swiftly to crush any popular resistance to the bloodsucking reign of the autocratic global cabal.

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  1. MadeleineT October 9, 2012 at 3:01 pm - Reply

    Too bad they have no guns.

  2. Wally October 9, 2012 at 6:11 am - Reply

    Oh, but that can’t happen here. Just wait and see. By wait I mean, do nothing, complain to no one, don’t ask questions, don’t question your representatives. Just wait! Then you will see!

  3. Joe October 9, 2012 at 6:11 am - Reply

    @Marianne … ” there is no faith in Him (God). If there was, He would send manna fro heaven and feed them… !”.

    Come on … Faith does not provide food, MRE´s or canned goods … !!!.

  4. Gary McLeod October 9, 2012 at 12:09 am - Reply

    Maybe Spain should offer to host a G-7 summit so that the overloards can personally participate in some discussion with the locals that don’t have enough to eat.

  5. Marianne October 8, 2012 at 9:13 pm - Reply

    this is happening because the masses have turned to government to be their god, to provide for them.

    They no longer seek the real God in heaven for their provision. there is no faith in Him. If there was, He would send manna fro heaven and feed them.

    Protesting will not do any good, to a government who does not care.

    Only God cares.

    When you are in need, turn to the ONLY ONE who will help you.

    And stay home, and away from crowds.

    No one is listening except God, if you call upon him for help.

  6. backtoreality October 8, 2012 at 8:42 pm - Reply

    an ignorant ppl are conquered…a wise ppl always conquers

  7. Chaos October 8, 2012 at 8:37 pm - Reply

    An UNARMED People become VICTIMS…. An ARMED People become VICTORS!

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