The secret society of warmists

truther December 3, 2013 2

The climate scientists who advise our politicians are so sure they are right that it is impossible to have any serious dialogue with them

In this week’s Spectator Diary, Lord (Nigel) Lawson, chairman of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, partly lifts the veil on a curious “secret meeting” held at the House of Lords between a team from his GWPF and six scientists from the Royal Society. This arose from a bizarre personal attack made on Lord Lawson as a “climate denier” at an Australian university, by the Royal Society’s president, Sir Paul Nurse – a geneticist who has publicly shown that he knows little about climate science, but who believes that rising CO2 is disastrously causing the world to warm. After Lawson pointed out to Nurse that his attack was factually inaccurate, Nurse offered to send some of his “experts” to put the GWPF straight on science.

The secret society of warmists

The society insisted that the meeting be shrouded in secrecy; not even the names of those present were to be revealed. What might have surprised it was the calibre of the scientific team the GWPF was able to muster, including three fellows of the Royal Society itself, and Dr Richard Lindzen, the world’s most distinguished atmospheric physicist. Although the GWPF has in general scrupulously observed the “Chatham House rule” that the society imposed on the meeting, we can piece together something of how it went.

Nurse’s team, led by Sir Brian Hoskins of the Grantham Institute, who also sits on the climate change committee advising the Government on policy, trotted out all the familiar arguments for the orthodoxy, including several “hockey stick” graphs to show global temperatures now soaring to levels unknown for thousands of years. They threw in some of the scare stories warmists have come up with to counter evidence that for 15 years temperatures have failed to rise as their computer models predicted, such as that “the oceans are acidifying” and that there has been a dramatic increase in “extreme weather events” (neither claim is true).

As one present put it, “it was like talking to members of a cult”. What particularly struck the GWPF team was their opposite numbers’ refusal to discuss the policy implications of their beliefs, even though Hoskins is a leading member of the “independent” committee which advises the Government on its increasingly disastrous and futile “low carbon” energy policy. In short, the meeting seemed perfectly to exemplify the real mess we are in, where the officially approved scientists who advise our politicians are so sure they are right that it is impossible to have any serious dialogue with them.

One of the more dangerous fairy stories of our time, popular with politicians and journalists, is that Iran’s new president, Dr Hassan Rouhani, is somehow a “reforming moderate” we can do business with – as in that deal last week whereby Iran supposedly agreed not to continue developing nuclear weapons in return for a reduction in the UN sanctions that are damaging its economy.

What those who fall for this overlook is that the Rouhani regime is imposing as ruthless a reign of terror on its unhappy people as ever: nearly 400 hangings since he was elected; teenagers publicly having their eyes gouged out; Tehran’s Revolutionary Guards still spreading terror across the Middle East, playing a crucial part in helping Syria’s President Assad to wage war on his people. And that vaunted nuclear deal is no more worth the paper it was written on than a similar deal in 2004, when Rouhani was Iran’s chief negotiator, later boasting how he had fooled the West while Iran secretly carried on developing a nuclear bomb.

As a puppet of Iran’s real “Supreme Leader”, the Ayatollah Khamenei, Rouhani may rejoice at having once again deceived the West. But the partial lifting of sanctions has bought Tehran a little more time to prop up a faltering dictatorship which Rouhani has no more intention of “reforming” than had any of his predecessors.


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  1. John Cook December 4, 2013 at 11:27 am - Reply

    What sort of con is this? Bundling a fanatical, hate filled diatribe authored by some Israeli smearing Iran onto a report about climate science?
    I’m getting more and more inclined to think this is a shill site. I just don’t trust it, and this is a very good example.

  2. 5 War Veteran December 3, 2013 at 11:24 pm - Reply

    Just goes top show that no matter how much money you family had or how much college you have had you still can be an idiot. OR a deceptionist of the highest order.

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