Times So Tough Some Families Schedule ‘No Food Days’

truther October 14, 2012 11

Shepard Ambellas

As men play with god-like powers such as weather modification, parts of the world suffer from drought and famine.

Coincidence or Not?

In some parts of the US and the world crop yields are at all time lows not seen since the 1970′s.

In fact, parts of the country have also sustained record drought levels in 2012.

SouthCoastToday.com reports;

CHICAGO — Drought damage to corn and soybean fields in the United States, the world’s top grower and exporter, is eroding supplies of the nation’s two largest crops to below year-earlier consumption levels for the first time since 1974.

The government is expected to say today that the U.S. corn harvest and inventories on Sept. 1 will be a combined 11.604 billion bushels, less than the 12.33 billion consumed and exported last year, according to a Bloomberg survey of 31 analysts.

Soybean supplies will be 2.932 billion bushels, below the 3.157 billion used in 2011.

Supplies failed to top usage from the previous year only twice since 1960 for corn and five times for soybeans, U.S. Department of Agriculture data show.

Record heat in June and July sparked the worst drought since 1956, sending corn and soybeans prices to record highs.

Morgan Stanley predicted corn may rally 35 percent in a year, while Barclays Plc sees soybeans gaining 16 percent.

Higher costs for dairies, grain processors and livestock producers helped send global food prices in September to the highest since March, United Nations data show.

Our Planet is Being Terraformed

Although technology has allowed men to posses god-like powers, most are not mature or sane enough to use them.

Bilderberg member and globalist adviser Henry Kissinger, in his now infamous National Security Study Memorandum 200 white paper, detailed how food shortages, drought, and famine would affect the population globally in years to come.

Now declassified this study has since unfolded literally right before our eyes.

Was Kissinger a visionary, or was he significant in forming a blueprint for a sinister global depopulation agenda?

Are more food shortages to come?

Kurt Nimmo wrote;

In an article posted on the Hindustan Times website, N. Chandra Mohan cites Mark Thirwell, Director of the International Economy Program at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney, Australia.

“This is not the first time in modern economic history that the Malthusian spectre of global food shortages has stalked the world economy,” writes Thirwell.

“Surges in food prices in the 1970s and then again in the mid-1990s both prompted warnings that agricultural capacity was failing to keep pace with a growing world population. Each time the prices jumped, it proved to be temporary as supply responded.”

Mr. Mohan believes, this time around, there will be no supply ready to respond. He links this dire situation to “policy neglect of agriculture” and “climate and environmental degradation.”

Thirwell essentially concurs with Kissinger’s memo.

Did You Know that You are Being Depopulated? LEARN MORE(Ad)

Now, here in 2012, things have spiraled down to a whole new level as some families are holding out on eating 1 day a week due to economic and or food related hardships.

An Independent article excerpt reads;

World grain prices have risen so high that families in poorer countries are being forced to schedule “food-free days” each week, according to one of the leading experts on global agriculture.

The extreme rationing is an “an unprecedented manifestation of food stress,” according to Lester Brown, president of the Washington-based Earth Policy Institute, and the most respected environmental observer of food and agricultural trends.

While regional food shortages are far from uncommon, the sheer number of people in the developing world who can no longer afford to eat every day has appalled humanitarian workers.

“We have not seen this before, where a family systematically schedules days where they do not eat, when they know they can’t buy enough every day so they decide at the beginning of the week, this week we won’t eat on Wednesday or we won’t eat on Saturday,” Mr Brown said yesterday.

Shepard Ambellas is the founder & director of theintelhub.com

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  1. Karmen Nava October 15, 2012 at 6:52 am - Reply

    What in heaven´s name is your definition of a Jew? The people you name are all atheists and they are not even from a Semitic tribes. I have seen photographs of Yemenite, Morrocan, Sephardic, and even Arab Jews etc., and they do not resemble any of the ones you mentioned. I thought Jews were supposed to believe in Torah that states “Thous shalt not Kill!.” I think there is confusion as to who is from the Tribe of Judah.

  2. RioSam October 15, 2012 at 6:42 am - Reply

    As long as the global elitists are in charge, drought and other weather wars WILL continue…always remember bringing the US down to 3rd world country status is their ultimate goal……..WHATEVER IT TAKES!!

  3. Linda October 14, 2012 at 11:50 pm - Reply

    stop it with the Jews stuff. Ignorance is what drives this notion. They are always the scapegoat. As for depopulation, if they really wanted to depopulate, they would start with those who have babies by the dozens, Musilms among them who are hell bent on doing a little depopulation of their own via the scimitar.

    • Mike October 15, 2012 at 12:04 am - Reply

      You’re ignorant. Go to populationmatters.org Also look up the Georgia Guidestones. Watch the video called “Jews admit to destroying the white race”. Watch 911Q&A. Watch videos by the evolutionary psychologist Kevin Macdonald. Research The amount of Marxist Zionist Jews in the U.S. congress.

    • Stan Sikorski October 15, 2012 at 1:36 am - Reply

      Linda, I get the notion that ignorance drives YOU. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what the jews have done to mankind, but it does take a willingness to learn and you fail that test classically. Go ask a jew what it thinks of non-jews.

  4. donewithit October 14, 2012 at 8:27 pm - Reply

    Corn and soybean crops are GMO anyway. It doesn’t matter. You either poison yourself and your family to death or you starve. Your choice. The sheeple will die before they will stand for themselves. So be it.

  5. harmony October 14, 2012 at 8:11 pm - Reply

    This is sick to hear. We are a smart enough species to provide food for everyone, it’s just part of the species is evil enough to not let that happen..

  6. Marie Lowrance October 14, 2012 at 7:50 pm - Reply

    these rotten old reptilian Illuminati Luciferians should commit suicide and return to Lucifer’s pit. The best they can do to truly clean up the planet!

    • Chaos October 14, 2012 at 9:06 pm - Reply

      These Rotten Old Reptilian Illuminati Luciferians are JEWS. Henry Kissinger is a JEW who helped run the Once Great America down its EVIL ZIONIST Path of Destruction. Amerika is going to HELL with the Help of George Soros, Ben Bernanke, Robert Reich, Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, Cass Sunstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Madeline Albright, Ari Fleischer, Joseph Leiberman, Diane Feinstein, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Al Franken, Barney Frank, Michael Chertoff, Dov Zakheim, Elana Kagen, Ruth Bader Ginsberg… ALL JEWS…the List of Zionist Scum goes on and On and On. For Jews only being 5% of the Population they sure do make up 75% of the Government , 90% of the Evil Banking System and 96% of the Media in Amerika. Jews Promote and Enable Genocide when it is for their benefit because it is Depopulation of the “Goyim” Gentiles / Muslims / Christians who should be slaughtered like cattle. Jews are Opposed to Genocide ONLY when it has been forced on their own Bloodline. Total Scumbag Hypocrites!

      • Stan Sikorski October 15, 2012 at 1:38 am - Reply

        Another excellent post Chaos!

      • Aztec13 October 15, 2012 at 3:34 am - Reply

        Spot on Chaos, Linda needs to open her mind and be educated……

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