Two Dozen Generals and Admirals Investigated for Sexual Misconduct

truther February 3, 2014 6
Noel Brinkerhoff

If it’s not being criticized for failing to crackdown on sexual assaults, the U.S. military is enduring embarrassing revelations about senior commanders accused of sexual misconduct.

The Washington Post reports numerous generals and admirals have been accused of inappropriate sexual behavior ranging from assaults to having extramarital affairs.

Two Dozen Generals and Admirals Investigated for Sexual Misconduct

“The embarrassing episodes are described in previously undisclosed files of military investigations into personal misconduct by U.S. generals and admirals,” the newspaper’s Craig Whitlock wrote. “Along with about two dozen other cases obtained by The Washington Post under the Freedom of Information Act, the investigations add to a litany of revelations about misbehaving brass that have dogged the Pentagon over the past 15 months and tarnished the reputation of U.S. military leadership.”

He added that of the 30 “partially redacted reports” received from the military, “a large majority concerned generals in the Army and Air Force.”

The Defense Department tried to address the problem two years ago, when then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta ordered a review of ethical standards for senior military officers. That effort apparently wasn’t enough, because “even more cases” surfaced following Panetta’s edict, according to Whitlock.

In December, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel issued his own directive for an ethics review, which is supposed to teach “core values and ethical leadership” to officers.

Among the cases uncovered by the newspaper were these:

Brigadier General Bryan T. Roberts, a commander at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, was investigated last year for having multiple affairs, and was found guilty by the Army of assaulting one of his mistresses. Roberts, who had publicly warned his troops that he has “zero tolerance for sexual harassment and sexual assault,” was fined $5,000 and reprimanded, but retained his military rank. His attorney said he will soon be retiring.

Martin P. Schweitzer, a commander with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, was caught sending emails to other generals about U.S. Representative Renee Ellmers (R-North Carolina), in which he said she was “smoking hot” and jokingly talked about explicit sexual acts he wanted to perform with her. Schweitzer’s anticipated promotion to major general is now on hold pending a formal review.

David C. Uhrich, a one-star Air Force general, was investigated for repeatedly drinking on duty and having an affair. He has received “verbal counseling” and remains on active duty, according to an Air Force spokeswoman.

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  1. MG February 5, 2014 at 9:08 am - Reply

    Any pretext will do…Whenever I hear about this administration purging the military for ANY reason, I believe they are doing this in preparation for something bad!

    The military has sworn an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC. They are an OBSTACLE and are systematically being eliminated from the leadership down to the regular solder.

    That’s why the solders coming home are ALL being labeled with PTSD so they can be disarmed on the basis that they have a mental problem.

    This administration fears the military and is taking action beforehand…

  2. 5 War Veteran February 4, 2014 at 1:51 am - Reply

    This is how Obama gets rid of those who don’t pass his litmus test.

    • Elaine February 4, 2014 at 12:15 pm - Reply


  3. Marianne February 3, 2014 at 9:39 pm - Reply

    they are being framed because they know too much that is wrong about the current administration and they are witnesses to crimes made by the administration / leader…..

    the leader has crimes against humanity and is guilty of fraud and high treason

    • Elaine February 4, 2014 at 12:17 pm - Reply

      Twin Thoughts! I mean it. I was thinking the very same thing when I saw the title of the article.
      It is interesting (no, not good, okay?)…it is interesting that after purging so many, he has also seen to it their retirement was under fire also. They have to get jobs etc.

    • Elaine February 5, 2014 at 9:18 am - Reply

      …And, more than likely, those are the very ones who will NOT fire or order their people to fire on American Citizens.

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