Video: The Most Important Documentary On America Ever, Destroying America From Within

truther December 29, 2013 5

Josey Wales

There is nothing that is taking place in America today that can’t be understood by examining the 100-year history of the efforts to destroy America from within.

This is a documetary that takes an in-depth look at the root of our decline in America. Socialism with the ultimate goal of global communism. This documentary also lays out names and dates and groups that have an active and growing agenda to bring America down, from Karl Marx to the Fabian Socialists to the Weather Underground to President Barack Obama.

Video The Most Important Documentary On America Ever, Destroying America From Within

It also chronicles the methods they have used to implement their agenda, the source of those methods and how they are playing out in our society today.

This movie takes a look at all of the typical leftist/liberal/progressive pet causes and explains how they came to be and how they tie into the socialist/communist agenda.

THE ILLUMINATI intended to enslaved the human race. It was Karl Marx himself, unquestionably the father of modern Communism, who said: “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” —Karl Marx

Why is Dethroning God and Capitalism so important to the Left and socialist/communist leaders?

Let’s take a look.

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  1. Gaia Sagrada Center January 6, 2014 at 1:10 am - Reply

    Patient planning. If these guys weren’t so patient and such long term planners, it would have never happened. It is amazing how patient they have been when you really think about it.

  2. John Cook December 30, 2013 at 1:34 pm - Reply

    What a disgustingly biased video. This really scared me, that the “Chosen People” have So Much control that a one and a half hour video about the destruction of America could have NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF THE WORD”Jew” is simply sureal.
    All the organisations and forces they talk about are Jewish originated and directed and controlled. But not a Single mention. Wow, there is no hope if they even control the supposed attempts to fight back. How can people fail to see it? The fact that Marx was a Jew, that virtually all the Bolchevics were Jews (mostly from New York). They Are the driving force behind All the destruction, but no, the creators of this piece of Jewish propaganda supposedly didn’t notice. Bullshit. This is Raw Jewish propaganda.

  3. man made December 30, 2013 at 9:31 am - Reply

    After watching this I came to one conclusion: You are Equally “Brainwashed”

  4. ticktock December 30, 2013 at 5:57 am - Reply

    Karl Marx was not the founder of Communism………..Judaism is the origin of all the evil plan of control. Judasm IS Communism

  5. Mohsen Samii December 29, 2013 at 9:18 pm - Reply

    The hidden hand of the so-called elite have decided that the time has come to move onto new pastures and that the US has served its purpose.

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