What’s Up With Room 322 at Hotel ZaZa?

truther February 23, 2013 6


Hotel ZaZa is a stylish inn located in Houston, Texas. While the hotel is known for its luxurious suites, a recent post on Reddit revealed the existence of the mysterious “Room 322″. This room it is not advertised on the hotel’s website and, in short, is the definition of creepy. This is what the Redditor posted:

What’s Up With Room 322 at Hotel ZaZa

stay here frequently when on business. Hotel was booked solid and my colleague managed to score a room unplanned. We all had normal zaza style rooms (swank) and he ended up in this goth dungeon closet.

Seriously- the room had a chain holding the bed to wall, pictures of skulls and a creepy, incongruous portrait of an old man. Room was about 1/3 the normal size with the furniture blocking part of the TV, bed and window.

We asked about it at the front desk and the clerk looked it up and said ” that room isn’t supposed to be rented.’ and immediately moved him.
– Source: Reddit

Here are pics of the room, each of which kind of raises concerns about what actually happens there.

The floor is hard, dirty concrete, unlike any other room in the hotel.

Unlike any other room in the hotel, the floor is cold, hard, dirty concrete,

The room is about a third of the size of other rooms in the hotel. The mirror is embedded in the brick wall, leading some Redditors to think that it is actually a two-way mirror...

The room is about a third of the size of other rooms in the hotel and is the only one with brick walls. The mirror is embedded in the brick wall, leading some to believe that it is actually a two-way mirror…

The bed is chained to the wall. Why?

The bed is chained to the wall. Why?

Skull frame on the wall. Rather appropriate since 322 is the Skull and Bones' sacred number.

Skull frame on the wall. Rather appropriate since 322 is the Skull and Bones’ sacred number.

Skull clock

Skull clock

Those that are aware of the occult elite’s symbolism know that 322 is the “sacred” number of the Skull & Bones secret society (to which belong the likes of George W. Bush, George Bush Sr. and John Kerry).

Official Skull and Bones logo prominently featuring the number 322.

Official Skull and Bones logo prominently featuring the number 322.

A very creepy painting above the bed depicting two girls with dead eyes and deformed, elongated necks. Does this image represent split personalities?

A very creepy painting above the bed depicting two girls with dead eyes and deformed, elongated necks. Does this image represent split personalities?

Another creepy image above the bed of a guy with huge eyes. Does this represent an all-seeing handler?

Another creepy image above the bed of a guy with huge eyes. He doesn’t look nice at all.

Overseeing the room is the picture of a man. According to some, it is Jay Comeaux, President at Stanford Group Company. Why is this random elite guy on the wall? WHY??

Overseeing the room is the picture of a suited man. Appaerently, it is Jay Comeaux, President of Stanford Group Company. Why is this random elite guy on the wall? Does he have something to do with the Skull and Bones?

This looks like the perfect place to traumatize someone.

This looks like the perfect place to traumatize someone.

When the story came out, people from the hotel’s PR responded that room 322 was a theme room entitled “Hard Times” and was meant to recreate a “prison experience”. This room is however not advertised anywhere and, as some people noted, there is nothing in that room that really recalls a “prison experience”. Do jail cells have huge mirrors, brick walls and frames of skulls, weird deformed faces and company CEOs on walls? Not really.

Another strange fact, a year before this story came out, a book author posted on her blog a little something about room 322 as well. This is what she wrote about it:

“When I checked into Houston’s Hotel ZaZa at midnight on Thursday night, there was some confusion. My first room was a themed room, known as the Hard Times room; this skull was on the wall. A few minutes after I got there, the front desk called up and said they had to move me; the people at the front desk were deeply upset at the thought of me being stuck in this room.”
– Source: Pop Culture Nerd

Apparently, hotel staff do not want everyday visitors to stay in that room. Is this room called “Hard Times” because it is used for occult elite trauma-inducing rituals? Cannot say for sure, but this is definitely a sinister site.

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  1. Kathy July 31, 2013 at 10:30 am - Reply

    The picture of the scary looking man with large eyes looks like Aleister Crowley.

  2. Archie1954 February 25, 2013 at 11:24 am - Reply

    Any hotel that would have a room like that within its walls will definitely not get my business! Let the mass murderers of the world like the Bushes frequent the place. It is certainly not for decent human beings.

  3. Adam February 24, 2013 at 4:12 pm - Reply

    I noted a couple of things of importance when researching this hotel. It is my belief that the ENTIRE hotel is dedicated to satan. The word “Za Za”, or name I guess you should say, is the name of a demon found coming often through Ouija boards. Just do a google search for “za za, demon” and you should find a lot on it.

    NOW…another thing I noticed is the names of the clubs/bars/restaurants in that hotel. One of them is named “Monarch” and the other one is named “The Dragonfly”.

    While the Monarch is obvious to most any initiate as it’s place at the illuminati’s table, the dragonfly is not as well known. But it does sit at the table.

    It stands for dualism. A idea represented in Freemasonry as the black and white checkerboard pattern.


    So, not only do they have a secret room 322, but they also have 2 restaurants who’s names are associated with Illuminati symbolism. And the name itself shares the name with a demon. Hmmm…

    I’d like to rent the room next door to 322. Whichever is on the other side of that 2 way mirror. Bet you can’t rent that either.

  4. Linda February 24, 2013 at 12:26 am - Reply

    Sounds like a place to torture people, with a two mmirror so others can watch . How creepy is that? Something needs to be done about it. I will remember not to make a reservation in a hotel where evil doings are most probably ocurring.

  5. Thorin Hall February 23, 2013 at 11:51 pm - Reply

    Wow! That is super creepy! It is ridiculous how deep the rabbit hole goes. I mean really, there are so many people, and companies that are corrupt as shit! Seems that anyone with large sums of money is involved. Sad

  6. Adam February 23, 2013 at 7:30 pm - Reply

    A team of caring individuals with time and resources could potentially ruin the spot. They thrive on secrecy. Imagine renting a room next to it or close by and placing a centurion by the door, even armed with a hidden camera and record and report on any and all comers and goers.

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