World War 3 is Coming – Shocking Predictions Coming True

Pakalert February 11, 2015 4

Alex Jones sends a warning for America Now , this is a must watch VIDEO . ————————————————–


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  1. Emu post October 30, 2015 at 7:29 am - Reply

    Anyone who believes is this a complete dumb shit. If there is a world war 3 it won't be nuclear. because the person who pushes the button will know that it would be the end of the world so consequently there won't be a nuclear war.

  2. Muhammad Munzir October 30, 2015 at 7:29 am - Reply

    May ALLAH protect you for speaking truth…….. after all you live in the USA

  3. Kyle Vernon October 30, 2015 at 7:29 am - Reply

    well the mujaheddin had no signs of being bad, we gave them weapons to stop the soviets. we did not do it to stop soviets who were the greatest threat. Saddam was one the side of Iraq in the Iraq Iran war. we helped them from being destroyed by the Iran regime. But i definitely don't agree giving Syrian rebels guns today. If you looked at soviet Russia and north Korea and north Vietnam back in the day and they were one of the only communist countries. Stalin starved people and sent them to work camps. I think i would be scared of communism if every country representing it had a totalitarian leader, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il song, Castro,, and Ho Chi Minn. Yeah communism was a real threat. Also why the fuck are you talking about Operation North wood, it never happened it was dismissed, some jerk off idea maker in the CIA wanted to do it and filed a report and it got fucking shut down because CIA leaders, the president, and literally everyone else didn't want to do that.

  4. Navid Jan October 30, 2015 at 7:29 am - Reply

    You Sir just won my respect… A summary of the evil states in just under 10 mins..

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