Police Come Upon Surrendered Suspect Lying Down With Arms & Legs Spread, Proceed To Viciously Beat Him

truther February 25, 2013 4

Information Liberation

When four Canadian police officers came upon a surrendered suspect lying on the ground with his arms and legs spread in a moment of total submission, they did what any “law enforcement” officer in their position would do: beat the man senseless, then lie about it on their police report.

Police Come Upon Surrendered Suspect Lying Down With Arms & Legs Spread, Proceed To Viciously Beat Him

Via CBC:

Four police officers from Trois-Rivières have been suspended with pay over possible misconduct, CBC Radio-Canada has learned.

The suspensions follows an incident during their arrest of an individual suspected of robbery last week.

The officers had been called to a suspected robbery at a pharmacy in the Normanville district of Trois-Rivières early Friday morning.

The four officers then chased a suspect to an area near the Trois-Rivières CÉGEP.

It was what happened during the arrest that has brought the officers’ conduct into question.

Trois-Rivières city spokesman, Yvan Toutant, would not confirm what the police are suspected of doing.

He said police officials received information about the arrest which is not consistent with the police report.

In other words, the cops lied. Thankfully, it was all caught on camera.

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  1. 5 War Veteran February 26, 2013 at 5:40 am - Reply

    Oh Canada! How does that song go?
    Oh Canada Your police are a bunch of immoral Assholes! O Canada your Elite are Pedophiles and Murderers! Oh Canada your RCMP is filled with criminals and perverts. Oh Canada your Legal system is filled with Child murderers! Oh Canada your butt loving Priests are only surpassed by American Butt loving Priests!

    Something like that?

    What part of Authority does not replace Morality is misunderstood here?

    Oh! The part that American authorities do not get it either!

  2. Robert Hauser February 26, 2013 at 3:17 am - Reply

    The Rodney King sort-out sent two L.A. fuzz from the Foothill Division to the slammer and forced Daryl Gates to resign in disgrace….let’s see how this plays out. I want to see if Canada has a JU$T U$ system as excecrable as America’s

  3. Robert Hauser February 26, 2013 at 3:14 am - Reply

    These douche bag canook corn-feds must have been trained in Israel….well, so much for the idea of American citizens fleeing the Ovomit regime seeking asylum in Canada….because Canada has obviously become way too much like America. And today, any amount is way too much. “Suspended with pay….” yeah, right—go grab yourself a couple cases of your favorite and go fishing for a couple weeks, guys, until this blows over and the masses have forgotten all about it and we cover our sixes with perjurous press releases

  4. laurie anne woodward February 26, 2013 at 2:58 am - Reply

    well, now i know why we call them “PIGs”! what a #^%@*(G “pIg PiLE!!! now the Donut chubBies will get a CoffeE & 1/2 DoZEn dOnutzzzzzzzzzzzzz! and cuddle up around the table & think they ArE soooo… toUGh. UGH!!!

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