Quantum Reality – Quantum Physics And Reality (#Mind Blowing Documentary)

Pakalert February 19, 2016 17

In this Quantum physics documentary video, we are going to take you through a journey where you can learn about the Quantum Reality i.e., Quantum Physics …


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  1. Jack Hall August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    It's seems obvious yet not very helpful that at the quantum level the weirdness we see is the result of particles slipping between dimensions. The " wave form" of a particle seems like a dimension, when we measure and then re measure the particle does something we do not understand, it's in position one (insert weirdness) it's in position 2, has all the hallmarks of a 2d flatlander having a 3d experience. If anyone knowledgeable in this field can add anything to this or even better clean shoot it out of the water I would love to hear your thoughts.

  2. Andy Southgate August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Isn't the obvious explanation for the measurement of a particle at a definite location from a probability wave… The measurer is measuring the particle on the same "frequency" as the measurer him/her/itself. All other probabilities are essentially other dimensions/realms/whatever. I'm mildly retarded so correct me if I'm leaving out something obvious.

  3. John Horsley August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    I will solve it all for you. The universe is built for the observer and gives an outcome possible when it's observed. The possibilities are endless until its observed. The man talking about Qbism is the only one that grasps this.

  4. Eddie Wolf August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    According to these subatomic particulate experiments, even the most random burst of particles are redirected, repositioned, and are conformed to a predetermined structure. These particulates are the building blocks of existence, correct? It is apparent, though, that there is an unknown factor that governs the supposedly infinitesimal outcomes of particulate position and structure. What is this force, or wave? I'd like to know.

  5. Oakley Keys August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    They might as well be discussing the after life (for or against) argument . 80 years after the double slit experiment and still… no one really truly looks or sounds comfortable with their own opinions about those results . That experiment was a hammer blow to physics and an open door to philosophy .

  6. Martin Edward August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Could it be that the probability or the particle (where the particle will land) is relative? Could the probability change between start and finish? Example as in the thrown dart. Before the dart is thrown, the thrower could hit the board, or miss all together. But after the dart is thrown, it has a trajectory. Once the trajectory is measured, the outcome of the throw is much more predictable. Or, that the probability of the outcome becomes more specific before the action is complete.

  7. vensouv August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    call me crazy but I just envision a world where world leaders are chosen from guys like these four and not clown politicians. one can dream……

  8. MsUncleKevin August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Many worlds theory sucks ass…

  9. saillorz August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Qbism, i like it

  10. David Neubauer August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Has this experiment been conducted outside our atmosphere? Isn't it possible free electrons in our 'cloudy' environment are disrupted into waves? It seems to me the example of dropping two rocks into water would want you to try getting out of the pool to really see what's going on.

  11. Toni Francis August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Couldn't the particles be hitting and spreading? For instance, if you blow into the palm of your hand it deflects off of your hand and you can feel it towards your fingers. Why does it have to be a wave?

  12. Donald Magill August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    The past is solid, the "now" is liquid, the future is a plasma of infinite possibilities. In other words outside of this "moment" nothing can change. Anytime u use the word particle it is a polaroid or stop action representation of energy interacting with itself the fluid movement of the "now" is where the action is and it's really only waves.

  13. Donald Magill August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Every single homo sapien Dead or Alive are spiritual beings but not a single one was or is a religious being. We are spiritual beings by the FACT that in the recent past from between 250,000 till about 97,000 years ago a genetic shift occurred in a hominid (human) species. Evolution in action on a time scale that should be conceivable to most. This "adaption" was that in our brains wiring , the ability to create more synapsis by engaging in critical thinking i.e. how we think allowed our connection to consciousness. We started to sing, we started to dance our connection manifested imagination. The universe is far more glorious than even imagination. Religions are nothing more than human conceptual artifacts.
    No matter the impossible vastness of our universe, it is only a cocoon.
    We are all affixed to the universe
    by the complex binding of undying ( living) energy.
    Living energy is the energy of creation which binds all.
    It cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed.
    The bonds that this energy forms between itself,
    and all the other "pieces" of the energy of creation,
    are the foundation of all the physical aspects of our universe.
    There is far more than we can perceive of this physical process.
    We are bound on a membrane of 3 dimensions, living the "now".
    The only thing truly created, the "now".
    We only feel, that their is "more".
    The "more" that all humans are tied into are the many bonds formed.
    There is another membrane of 3 bound dimensions,
    the "particles" are slightly heavier,
    as they are made from quarks which comprise the next "family of particles".
    There is one more membrane where the
    quarks produced are slightly heavier still, a 3rd "family of particles".
    The mass produced by the 2nd and 3rd "branes" are dark matter.
    Do the math, it matches observation.
    All 3 "branes" inhabit the same space.
    The 10th dimension binds all 3 "branes", "into the now".

    For me it is an undeniable fact, that even though my physical mind
    Is a biological recorder, subject to decay.
    Nirvana, (the 3rd membrane), is an indelible recorder
    of the changes to existence for my piece of the "now".
    We live in a cocoon, where every moment of existence has been recorded.
    Recorded in the sense that the "now" lasts forever, as one continuum.
    Information can never be lost in our universe.
    Before our universe came into being,
    their was (and still is) a limitless potential of energy.
    A true infinity of possibilities.
    Held in a perfection of geometry and symmetry (the 11th dimension).
    This being a virtual pair, a "yin and yang" of energy.
    In that the vibrations of the yang are open ended, and the yin a closed loop.
    The yang energy held perfectly in the center of a loop of yin energy.
    Of course this is all virtual and only exists as limitless possibilities.
    Understand this phenomena is not an entity nor a deity.
    Limitless possibilities that exist outside the restrictions of our universe,
    no time- no space- no physical existence.
    Limitless possibilities, being everything simultaneously.
    This is a perfection of "life."
    This factor is evidenced by the infusion of energy,
    {eternal and no longer virtual}, into the "now", creating our universe.
    Split apart from the perfection,
    of the infinite paired geometry, the symmetry is broken.
    Eternal energy is bound into our universe in quantities and at speeds,
    that are at the edges of our understanding.
    This is the start of the "now",
    with the possibility that life can exist and be self aware.
    The bonds of our living universe start to form.
    As the energy expands and cools our physical reality is set,
    by the harmonic bonding of energy, into a manifold of 10 dimensions.
    The mathematical description of this manifold is the "TOE",
    the theory of everything.
    To paint the universe with our imaginations, are you ready for that?
    Strings of energy, be they open or closed,
    vibrate in such a way that ten major harmonic nodes are produced.
    Nine of the nodes bond as "planes", (dimensions).
    The 10th dimensions bond produces the "now".
    space, causality, entropy , gravity, Higg's field, dark energy
    (the tension on this bond produces dark energy),
    these are all aspects of this dimension.
    The past is solid, the "now" is liquid, the future is a plasma of infinite possibilities.
    3 bound (3 dimensional) realities.
    Our purpose is to emulate the bonding of eternal energy,
    and form bonds within our hearts to our families, our friends.
    Stretched to the ultimate, (as it is now an undeniable genetic fact),
    that's all of humanity we are tied to.
    It is not against anyone's beliefs (as far as I know) to form the bonds of life.
    Your wealth will not be measured by the coins in your pocket,
    but by the strength and quantity of the bonds on your heart.
    Did you ever wonder how we (humanity) got to this point in time?
    The undying energy that binds us all, displays for all to see, that its a builder.
    We are built from elements that were built in giant stars, expelled at their death.
    Two generations of this process brought about our 3rd generation sun.
    {Many stars died so that we might live}.
    Mother earth, our mother, formed with our sun.
    Our mother being just right, had a spark- life self replicating.
    { A miracle that is everywhere in our universe where it is possible}.
    Driven by the constant changes brought about by the 10th bond,
    it displays all the myriad possibilities of life.
    On our personal cocoon the earth the builder- eternal energy- never stops.
    Into this chain of life (possibilities) we "homo sapiens" have appeared.
    With a conscious self aware mind, sapient and sentient.
    A curse and a blessing.
    To live (think) in a miracle, the vast sea of consciousness that is truly infinite.
    (the blessing)
    To be tied to the reality of our eminent death.
    (the curse)
    As with all things newly made we were few, banded together in small groups.
    The mold is set.
    The pairing of two individuals, grouping by talents,
    and the interpretation of the "more" .
    This became customs (beliefs) over time.
    The first interpretation of all bands,
    were aspects of Gaia (earth spirits/earth mother).
    Their intimate daily contact with the physical world insured this.
    As these small bands merged and grew into larger groups,
    agriculture moved this interpretation to the sky.
    For thousands of years the sun was the center.
    Then came a period of many deities with specific attributes.
    Last the interpretation was one entity to encompass all.
    But no mater how truthful and sincere the prophets of this interpretation,
    their legacies have been fractured, splintered beyond all recognition by time.
    My interpretation of the "more",
    is that we are spiritual beings (not religious beings).
    The universe is made from living energy and so are we.
    How could we not be connected?
    A quote from Albert Einstein, in 1918 he was asked by a reporter "Sir
    what does your formula mean in plain english?"
    His reply 'There is only energy, there is nothing else.
    How can what we do not affect it".
    A wise and deeply understanding man.
    There are about 7 billion current paths to nirvana (so far),
    build well your path.
    I live immersed in miracles,
    but their is no one to praise.
    I am grateful to my core,
    but their is no one to feel my gratitude.
    Eternal energy has made me.
    Of that I am sure.
    My life is bound to this cocooned universe
    now and forever,
    I will emulate the builder,
    bond with life,
    and give thanks to the limitless possibilities.
    Did you ever think about what is ahead for humanity?
    The possibilities are limitless of course.
    Maybe the question should be, what can we (humanity) do
    to survive into the future.
    Invest in value.
    In our day to day lives, we judge every human we come in contact with.
    Even though,
    all are different, all tap consciousness,
    all are incredible beings, all have value.
    Information has always been the key.
    We must educate everyone in a different way.
    There are only two things that should be taught in a learning center.
    How to get information, and how to engage in critical thinking.
    There are only two things that should be taught in a behavior center.
    What is acceptable (tolerance of other humans, respect for all life)
    and what is not (violence physical or mental).
    There are only two things that should be taught in a morality center.
    That acceptance is the true meaning of love,
    and that tolerance allows value to blossom.
    Invest in that which has value,
    and build true wealth with your spirit.

    Something to think about.
    All humans have about 10 trillion brain cells,
    powered by at least 1,000 trillion synaptic connections.
    (You make more connections when you engage in critical thinking).
    Albert doing his "thought experiments" was in the realm of a million trillion connections.
    Sounds like we are the universe's super beings doesn't it?
    (Even as imperfect as we are).
    Remember what I said about being in a cocoon?
    Something always comes out of a cocoon.
    Walk in the light, and build your karma, for the universe
    is far more glorious than anyone's imagination.

    {There is a physical/mental fault with our connection to consciousness,
    its the "id" produced by our inner brain.
    Let go of "me,me,me", once in a while, be truly free,
    and bask in the light of nirvana while still in the flesh}.

  14. Joseph Arellano August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    When two atomic particles are smashed against each other, as they did in the LHC, it resulted in countless other particles of varying sizes, which proves the smallest particle that scientists have identified and observe is made of countless smaller particles. The several bands on the wall that resulted in shooting atomic particles onto the wall is a result of the countless particles scattering. The problem is scientists understanding of the atom which is made of few particles only.

  15. ROBERT KAUFMAN August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Why Theory: Finally, a Unified Theory Everyone Can Understand and Albert Einstein Would Love!
    by Robert Kaufman on AMAZON …. String theory is unnecessary

  16. Paul H August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    Hypothetical question – lets say someone came up with the mathematical equations that solves quantum mechanics and physics? Can you imagine what this could do.

  17. Cap Archer August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am - Reply

    39:12 "Ah hell naw"

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