What is the Bilderberg Group ? – The Illuminati – ( documentary )

Pakalert December 14, 2014 10

What is the Bilderberg Group and who are they? Look at this great documentary and find out who they are, what they do and how it affects all the others .


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  1. PrinceLevMyshkin October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    So all these leaders, which can simply use the CIA's or NSA's secure servers to talk, or be whisked anonymously on a helicopter into the Pentagon, or simply just meet outside the UN building, INSTEAD choose to drive their own cars into a hotel where they're filmed, even though they're planning world domination. These people who you claim run the world are so stupid, that their world-domination meetings are held before the world's eyes. And they're so stupid that even though you've exposed them, they allow you to live. The brain of a conspiracy theorist is an amazing one – they claim to be doubters, but their arguments require leaps of faith. That contradiction, I'm sorry to say, is simply a symptom of low IQ, e.g. Alex Jones.

  2. PrinceLevMyshkin October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    Even better! Guy gets arrested in Germany, but an Italian journalist saves him. Cause you know, often times the Italian government tells the German government what to do… And even though they could've just kept him in the airport for another 48 hours. They let him go, huh…. How can people believe in this shit? These people work in a system I call "systemic methodology…" HAHAHA!

  3. sanddollar808 October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    You people need to read The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman (4th edition). This will answer all your questions. Perhaps you'll see the Queen of England, for example, is a little more than she appears to be.

  4. sanddollar808 October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    Also, you can watch "What is the Illuminati and Committee of 300", by Dr. John Coleman, right here on YouTube. This video encompasses about 30 years of research into this group, and the 4th edition of the book brings it up to the present. You will find that there is even more money and more power backing this group that has remained in the shadows. You'll thank me later.

  5. MOJO MANHAND October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    Bilderberg Group = Ego Stroking party. There is nothing that happens here. If they wanted to meet secretly they could do so very easily. Bilderberg Group is very far from a secret meeting; although some of the people meeting at Bilderberg Group like this could violate some laws if they were meeting to discuss geo-global take over that would destroy their government that they work for, but I find that very hard to believe at this meeting. I do believe that some of them are discussing that with each other else where.

  6. Stuart Zamacona October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    The introduction is just retarded 

  7. Nash & Deckard Media Productions October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    Are you ready for what is to come onto the world today?  Knowledge is power get educated today, I am just one of God's messengers and sending you out a WARNING ABOUT WHAT IS TO COME TO THE WHOLE WORLD!  Margie

  8. Nash & Deckard Media Productions October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    Are you ready for what is to come onto the world today?  Knowledge is power get educated today, I am just one of God's messengers and sending you out a WARNING ABOUT WHAT IS TO COME TO THE WHOLE WORLD!  Margie

  9. Joel Joel October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    Bill Burr brought me here.

  10. grand master flash October 17, 2015 at 10:09 am - Reply

    this is dumb. it is so easy to put a picture up and say what ever you want in a serious and scary fassion. We dont know what they talk about so its just all speculations. of course they all know each other they are all important people. IT's true that we are supposed to know what are elected people are talking about, BUT could we hear all there phone conversations? emails, etc… NOPE. impossible. still keep trying if you think it will get you anywere. Alex jones is a hard worker, but unless you record them saying bad shit, it's all a waste of time.

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